Formed in 1981 by our President & current Chairman, Philip van Buren, as a democratic, self-governing, constitutional coaching organisation within the Southern Counties Regional Society (SCAS) representing Sussex County Archery Association (SCAA).

Our mission then, as is now; “To provide top class coach training for all grades of coaches, in order to provide the archers of Sussex with premier quality coaching no matter what their level is”.

We also offer support to our coaches by means of CPD workshops, seminars and talks to improve coaching standards, besides providing the SCAA with Squad & Team coaching and performance workshops when required.

Committee contacts

Current Post Holder Position and Job Description

Sue Habgood

County Coaching Organiser (CCO)
Core committee member.
Responsibility for the Coaching Organisation within the Sussex County.
Has responsibility for maintaining the coaching standards within the Guild and has official access to the membership’s data.
The CCO shall be responsible for; ensuring that seminars, coaching assemblies, planning meeting etc., are organised by relevant Officers.  The CCO will also maintain a register of all active members of the Guild.
Phil van Buren Chairman
Core committee member.
Responsible for organising/coordinating all the Guild’s activities through the officers of the Guild. The Chairman will maintain a register of all active members of the Guild & coordinate it with the CCO and RO.
Graham Stevens Treasurer
Core committee member.
Responsible for organising, coordinating all the Guild’s finances.
Responsible for reporting the Guild’s financial state at the AGM.
Keith Billenness Archer Development Officer (ADO)
Reporting to the CCO.
Responsible for organising coaching workshops for archers.
Responsible for organising the Senior and Junior squad training as directed and liaising with the relevant Sussex Team Managers.
Keith Billenness Coach Development Officer (CDO)
Reporting to the CCO.
Responsible for organising/coordinating Session (Level 1) Coach, Development (Level 2) Coach and Programme (County) Coach courses.
Responsible for organising/coordinating coach training workshops.
Iain Cadle Renewals Officer

Works with the  & Reports to the CCO.

Responsible for ensuring that coach renewals are completed correctly and forwarded to Archery GB with the Renewals Panel’s recommendation after review by the panel. 

The RO will maintain a register of all active members of the Guild with the assistance of both the CCO & Chair & remind expiring coaches to submit renewal forms with their past 3 year’s Work Record.

Phil van Buren Course Administrator
Reports to the ADO &/or CCO and Lead Tutor for each course.
Will be the main contact point for information and booking for coach courses.
András Tőkés Webmaster & Media Officer
Responsible for the administration of the website and the Guild email accounts

Colin Ford (County Coach) &
Neil Seymour (Coach)

County Coach Rep & Coach Rep
Responsible for representing the feelings of the Membership at their respective Coach Grades; Colin for the County Coaches, Neil for Level 2/Development Coaches & Level 1/Session Coaches
 Philip van Buren

Coach Review Panel Moderator

The purpose of the Coach Review Panel is to review any complaints reported by a coach, an archer or a family member, concerning the behaviour, actions or perceived problems by any Martlets Guild members and then evaluate the complaint before deciding on any course of action if found necessary.

The Coach Review Panel Moderator forms the Panel from both female & male senior Guild members and is purely there to moderate Panel meetings, record proceedings and all Panel decisions. The moderator will always remain totally impartial throughout and notify all parties of the resultant Panel decisions.