To tune or not to tune – that is the question… OR, rather “To tune the body first or tune the bow? THAT is the question” with apologies to William Shakespeare.
What I will be dealing with in this missive, are the following 3 coaching options:
❖ Quick Fix,
❖ Intermittent Coaching with Goal Setting & Linked Sessions,
❖ Personal Performance Coaching Programming including the BioPsychoSocial Model, Performance Profiling & Periodisation with Goal Setting for long-term sustainability
and the rationale that goes with each, whether shooting with a Recurve or Compound bow.
As a coach the choice is yours: “Do I check the archer’s equipment first or do I look at their shooting ability; do I offer them a ‘quick fix’ or a sustainable coaching intervention?” However, ideally you want archers to stick with you, so empathy, understanding and conscientious personal care is what I (and all the top coaches) advocate, whether it be in a paid or amateur capacity, in your own club, or as a visiting coach, does not matter as long as you realise it is all client-led & client-compatible.
In my experience of over 50 years in coaching (40 of which as a Senior Coach), the answer often depends on either the level of coach or the confidence & experience of the coach being asked.
Want to know more? Read Philip van Buren’s full article here.